Big Wisdom of Small Chips--"Core" Gives Birth to All Things


On the afternoon of Nov. 18, Prof. Xu Leijun, Vice Dean of the School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, was invited by the Department of Microelectronics to give a report on the theme of "Small Chips, Big Wisdom - "Core" Grows Everything" to the teachers and students of the Department of Microelectronics, and all undergraduates of the Department of Microelectronics attended the report. All undergraduate students of the Department of Microelectronics attended the lecture. The lecture was hosted by Xu Jing, head of the Department of Microelectronics.

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Starting from the background of IC industry, Prof. Leijun Xu systematically introduced the concept of complete process integration and the links of IC industry as well as the challenges and opportunities faced; he pointed out that the basic challenge lies in the lithography of precision graphics, the core challenge lies in the application of new materials, and the ultimate challenge is the improvement of chip yield. After introducing the four types of technology directions in the post-Moore era, Mr. Xu talked about the three innovation paths to break through the bottleneck of high computing power development through three-dimensional heterogeneous integrated wafer-level integration (integrated technology innovation), storage and computation paradigm (computing paradigm innovation) and reconfigurable computing architecture (chip architecture innovation).

Afterwards, two graduate students, Chengtong Zhu and Songlin Zhu from Electronic Science and Technology, combined their current research directions and communicated with the students. Zhu Chengtong summarized and shared his learning and competition award experience in undergraduate, introduced some learning methods in the process of electronic design and some software related to electronic design in the process, shared his design of drones, balancing carts and transmitter projects, which made the students interested in electronic design and made them realize that as a microelectronics student, not only from the classroom to learn electronic knowledge The students realized that as a microelectronics student, they should not only learn electronic knowledge from the classroom, but also apply the knowledge they learned from the actual project experience.

Zhu Songlin summarized his thoughts on microcontroller and FPGA, introduced 51 microcontroller, ARM microcontroller, ESP32 and K210, and briefly introduced Arduino and Micropython. The role of FPGA, hardware and software co-development, and HLS were also introduced systematically.

Finally, Mr. Xu concluded that the road of "Chinese core" development is hard and long, he encouraged the students to have the spirit of semiconductor, behind the glamour is the pain and heartache that others can't know, if you want to be a strong stage, you have to hammer a thousand times!